Released in 2020 under Wolves of Hades.
1. Razernij
2. Van de meute vervreemd
3. De dwaas komt voor de redder

Released in 2020 under Wolves of Hades.
1. Razernij
2. Van de meute vervreemd
3. De dwaas komt voor de redder
During the release of our previous album, Chaos Philosophorum, we already had some ideas of what our next album was becoming. As certain events in the world took place, the idea of ‘Geen Weg Uit’ was forming. For more about the concepts & lyrics, click here.
After a period of songwriting and working out ideas, we hit the studio end of 2018 to record drums. Drums were recorded at E-Sound Studio’s, followed by guitar and bass reordings at our rehearsal bunker. For the vocals and mixing of the album we returned to E-Sound Studio’s, where the whole album was mixed in an analog fashion. Although analog mixing has some constraints when compared to modern digital productions, it does add a lot to the overall sound, dynamics and sonic feel of the record.
The coverphoto, taken by bassplayer Bob, is inspired by the lyrics of “Van de meute vervreemd”. For this, Bob and Cees devised a way to make a burning hoop and the photo was taken with a long shutter speed while Shinn jumped through the flames.
The graphic design was done by Atelier Solawende.
Drums – Cees de Wit
Guitar & Lead vocals – Dennis Onsia
Guitar – Rick Jongman
Bass – Bob van deutekom
Guitar, Trumpet & Trombone – Thomas Cochrane
Additional instruments:
French Horn – Stef Polderman
Minimoog, Grand Piano, Timpani, Hammond & Backing vocals – Thomas Cochrane
Music – Dennis Onsia & Dystopia
Lyrics – Cees de Wit
Recording – E-Sound Studio’s
Mix & Master – Thomas Cochrane
Photography – Bob van Deutekom
Cover model – Shinn Zijp
Graphic design & Photography – Atelier Solawende
Released in 2017
1. Intro
2. Through the Vortex
3. Black Death
4. Archon
5. Interlude
6. Bound to Annihilate
Chaos Philosophorum was written and recorded between 2013 and 2016 and was written for the line-up that consisted of drums, bass, guitars(2x) and vocals. For one of the tracks we asked Thomas (who also recorded and mixed the album) to add some trumpet or trombone. As these parts worked out quite well, more parts were done resulting in Thomas joining the band.
Drums for this album were recorded at ‘Fort Westoever’, which is an 19th century fort in Den Helder, commisioned by Napoleon. Entirely made out of bricks and long vaulted halls, this gave the location a reverb of about 4-5 seconds! Almost all of the drum reverb that can be heard on the album are the actual acoustics of the fort. (see picture below)
Drums – Cees de Wit
Guitar & Lead vocals – Dennis Onsia
Guitar – Rick Jongman
Bass – Bob van deutekom
Trumpet & Trombone – Thomas Cochrane
Music – Dennis Onsia
Lyrics – Cees de Wit
Recording – Thomas Cochrane & Dennis Onsia
Mix – Thomas Cochrane
Mastering – Brad Boatright at Audiosiege
Artwork – Adam Burke
Logo Design – View from the Coffin